Mainly Montana - Tinus (6 June '09)

I am content!

Two weeks ago we arrived in Whitefish, Montana by train. Our time since has been spent mostly working (e-mails to Namibia, school, etc.) and walking. Truth be told, I am still slightly drained as I am writing this, for on Friday the family thought it propper to hike for more than 20km in Glacier National Park. Yes, I am tired, but would do it again any day!

The natural beauty of this land cannot be put into words, or even captured in a photo. Everywhere you look, you'll see some form of water.

Be it the snow we hiked at higher elevations, the lakes gracing the distance, or the cascading water falls that make you want to cry from delight. Logically, everything is also green. And so many shades thereof! Then, throw into the mix the white snowcapped mountains, the brilliantly blue sky, the magnificent mountain faces that blush when you look at them and the seemingly infinite detail in which all are tied together and you find yourself in a place you do not wish to leave (were it not for your wet cold feet and angry belly).

Truly, this world was made good!

But it became even better when humans started roaming it. We had the privilege of spending an evening with the Ogle family: Paul - the pastor of the foursquare church where we were so blessed last Sunday - and his wife, Angelita. Apart from wonderful (oh no, I'm starting to sound like Dawie J, which isn’t a bad thing, come to think of it) food, lovely atmosphere and GREAT company, our time was also blessed by God. May He bless them abundantly.

Before we arrived in this corner of the world we spent a day in Seattle, sleepless off course! The journey by train from there to here was filled with beauty also. We passed through the longest tunnel in the US, slept on the airplane-business-class-tipe chairs and watched movies on my laptop. The trip took us up and over some mountains, which afforded an interesting observation: as we went higher, the rivers became smaller, and faster and as we went down on the other side, the mountain streams we crossed gradually became small creeks, larger creeks, fast flowing small rivers and eventually mighty boulevards of stampeding water.

The past two weeks have truly been unforgettable! But, believe it or not, the week preceding it surpassed it boundlessly. I am referring to a week that was by far the highlight of my tour thus far. A week which was filled with ear-to-ear fun and excitement, breathtaking beauty, inspiring art, fattening food and soothing encounters with the Creator. A week I shall write of in due time: our week aboard the Norwegian star!

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