Singapore 27 March 09 (Dawie)

For years now I have had this desire to compare Namibia on a number of selected criteria with a few other countries. In discussions with friends in business, church and government circles we reflected that good comparable countries will be Switzerland, Botswana and Singapore. I have visited Botswana years ago and spent seven weeks in the other two on this trip. Those who know me well, can witness that I am extremely passionate and loyal to Namibia and her people! But…there is so much room for improvement.

In my previous blog, I already suggested that business, government and church leaders can do so much more in our country. I pleaded that we , as leaders, should let more things happen!

In a certain sense this tour is giving me so much hope in what is achievable, but for the first time ever I doubt if my dreams for our country are realistic ...we are, in many instances, just so far behind. (But, as a dear friend recently pointed out, dreams are by definition unrealistic. We only need to make sure they are in line with God's picture of the future.)

As with many challenges the place to start is in a different "way of thinking"

The church should earnestly seek God's presence and His holiness. Fear (reverence) for Him and His righteousness should return…and we, as church, should play a life changing role in the challenges (poverty mindset, passivity, idolatry, immorality, lack of integrity, etc). The market place (government and business) should completely rethink the way in which we are going to create wealth, approach technology, demonstrate our integrity and unity. Yes, I know for many, these will just be empty words, especially if it is not explained in detail with practical accompanied examples. For the time being I think I should leave these "empty words" there and just tell you what I, due to personal experience, appreciated about Singapore.

* Their extremely efficient and professional airport, harbor and public transport system

* Their highly affordable and effective internet connections.

* Their positive approach towards technology , skills and development.

* Their hundreds of well looked after public parks (gardens) and the cleanness of the city

* The way in which they embrace their vast diversity (cultural and religion)

* The way in which government, business and church make lots of money in a country with no natural resources

* Their hunger for more knowledge, professionalism, quality and improvement

* Their high levels of integrity and respect for God, fellow human beings and God's creation

* The high priority they connect to the family as a unit (their families are small because they only have children when they can afford them).

* Their ability to work extremely hard ( long, fast and effective)

* Their good habits ( not addicted to TV, sport, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.)

* The hundreds of people being saved every Sunday (where after they immediately form part of small discipleship groups)

These are just a few things that I appreciate about Singapore after we stayed here for a month. No wonder the country is wonder the whole country is literally been build up and developed in one wonder Tinus said he would love to come back and study wonder Chrisna is saying that to come and stay here will not even be out of our comfort zone.

So what am I saying...

" I think God called me to go back to Africa"

Ps If there are volunteers who will help with that comparrison study please let me know.

Singapore - 23 March 2009 (Chrisna)

God is good! What a privilege to know Him, to serve Him, to walk my walk with Him. How empty a life without Him will be, a life devoted to things is surely like a dead tree, a stump...

Being on this world tour, has slowed me down. I know I said it before, but I want to confirm that it still is true. Now there is more time to sit at His feet, longer, quieter,open to His voice. I've come to realize once again that the primary purpose for this journey is for what God wants to do IN me. He continues to lift up a mirror, to reveal those parts that does not look like Jesus and kindly take whatever I repent and throw off. He is gracious and slow to anger, He is patient and gentle, full of loving kindness. This however does not mean that I can ignore the truths concerning myself that He shows me, because He also expects obedience, submission and change of behavior. The wonderful thing is also that I get more than enough opportunities to practice whatever choices I made!

Saturday evening, like the 3 before, we went to church. What a blessing once again! As we sang together with 8000 Singaporeans, I was overwhelmed by realizing that we are Chinese, Indian, Western people, all with different cultures, worshipping one God, the one and only Living God and that gives purpose and a unifying factor to us. We sang "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord" and as we sang I sensed the Spirit telling me: "Be Holy, as I am Holy". That is the end result that He wants to see. He wants us to be Holy. He also gives us the Holy Spirit - who is Holy- to live inside of us and help us to be holy. God surely does not want us to play "Christian". He longs to see the fruit (of us being His children) in our lives, in our behavior, in our thoughts and in our words.

God, please help me to be holy as you are holy!

We also sang: God is the giver of life, God is the Healer. That was clear confirmation that God will touch my mother and heal her completely. 5 Days after she returned home from her visit with us, it was discovered that there is cancer in her spine. She started with radiation therapy today.
We praise God for the Peace that is within her heart. We will be praying, waiting and evaluating whether I need to go to her in Windhoek or not. We trust God that He will guide us. Thank you for every person who is helping her and praying with us. God is good and in control!

The 4 Fouries left here, had a special time of prayer last night. There is so many pain and needs out there, but we know that God's ear will hear and His arm is not too short to help!

The time here in Singapore surely is a special time. God is so faithful. He always meets us in our individual place of need. So I want to declare once again: As for me and my family - we will serve the Lord.